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Views from the trench
By Jayne Flores

Requiem for Guam’s news media
In December 2002, Mother Nature furiously pummeled Guam with winds of over 150 mph for nearly 16 hours. When Supertyphoon Pongsona...
Sep 6, 2023

Bills like 291 could do more harm
I got pregnant for the first time early in 1990. My husband and I were so excited. One day in April, when I was about 11 weeks along, I...
Oct 19, 2022

Consent matters
Attention all sexually active males, young and old alike. I am focusing on males right now because according to the Guam Police...
Apr 7, 2022

She saw something, she said something, and a young woman was safe
*The following incident actually happened. The names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved. It was around 2 a.m. on...
Jan 7, 2022

Responsible leaders do what is right; not necessarily what people want
“Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you’ll be criticized anyway.” That quote from former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt...
Dec 7, 2021

What we believe versus what is true
“It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so.” That quote from Will Rogers has never been more...
Oct 7, 2021

Revictimizing the victim
One of the lowest points in my journalism career came after the now-defunct Latte Magazine published an investigative piece I had...
Sep 5, 2021

The way to keep Guam's culture alive
The late governor Ricky Bordallo said many times that the way you keep the CHamoru culture alive is to keep CHamoru people on the island....
By Jayne Flores
Jun 11, 2021

Foster parenting: the most pro-life choice
May is Foster Care Month. On Guam, what does that mean? It means the governor signs a proclamation citing how many children are in need...
By Jayne Flores
May 4, 2021

How much do we put up with?
Back when I was a reporter for the now defunct Cable News, I covered the case in March 1986 where a young man’s body was found stabbed 40...
By Jayne Flores
Mar 7, 2021

Would you recognize it if you saw it?
Last month was National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. The trouble is, what does human trafficking look like? Most...
By Jayne Flores
Feb 10, 2021

It’s time for males to step up
“It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day,” as Nina Simone sings in her classic “I’m Feelin’ Good.” For 2021, one of my “new dawn” mantras is male...
By Jayne Flores
Jan 6, 2021

Want to help our economy? Buy local this Christmas
Everyone on my Christmas list is getting gifts purchased locally this year. Sure, it’s easier to just dive into your computer and with a...
By Jayne Flores
Dec 4, 2020

Keeping the doctor away
If this wretched Covid-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it is that we all need to adopt healthier eating habits. Obesity rates and...
By Jayne Flores
Nov 4, 2020

Paying it forward with 'extras'
Given the current climate in our country, most of us would agree that roughly 50-60 percent of what is posted on Facebook (maybe even...
By Jayne Flores
Oct 1, 2020

Celebrate women’s rights - and keep them going
It is insulting that one of the first criticisms of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s vice presidential pick was the false claim that she “may...
By Jayne Flores
Sep 1, 2020

The people of Guam are just cool
I was born and raised in the Midwest United States. A far west suburb of Chicago, to be exact. But since I have lived most of my life...
By Jayne Flores
Aug 4, 2020

If your rapist is your child’s father, you now have protection
Imagine that at age 14, when you are either in 8th grade or just starting your freshman year of high school, a man rapes and impregnates...
By Jayne Flores
Jul 6, 2020

What censorship really looks like
Censorship is a strong word. It was bandied about by some very naive reporters after a live Zoom media conference given by Gov. Leon...
By Jayne Flores
Jun 2, 2020

A new normal
We are beating this wicked Covid-19 virus. It may not seem like it, what with our island and nearly our entire country in a shutdown,...
By Jayne Flores
May 5, 2020

Guys, it’s on you
March was women’s history month. The several events I was involved in throughout the month highlighted the history of women’s...
By Jayne Flores
Apr 9, 2020

A more economical, sustainable way to manage periods
This is a column about menstrual cups. If you are a father, husband, boyfriend, brother, friend, distant relative, co-worker, etc., of...
By Jayne Flores
Feb 10, 2020

Today's news operations could use more owners like Lee Holmes
My heart sighed upon seeing Greg Champion’s Facebook post about the passing of my first boss on Guam, Lee Holmes. Mr. Holmes, as we all...
By Jayne Flores
Dec 31, 2019

Discourses on sexual violence
Perspective is everything. So it is understandable that good, decent men from some of the islands in Micronesia may have been upset by my...
By Jayne Flores
Dec 1, 2019

Wanted: a culture where rape is NOT acceptable
One of the most disturbing news items of late (aside from the acting attorney general of Yap being murdered, perhaps because she was...
By Jayne Flores
Nov 5, 2019

Things you don’t want to have to know, but you have to anyway
I wear two hats at Adelup: director of the Bureau of Women’s Affairs, and administrator of the Governor’s Community Outreach Federal...
By Jayne Flores
Oct 5, 2019

Precious plastic
Attention, enterprising young environmentalists/activists who care about the future of our previous island. If you really want to make a...
By Jayne Flores
Sep 4, 2019

Hasso ini. Remember this.
The 75th anniversary of the liberation of Guam from Japanese occupation has come and gone. The celebrations, the memorials, and the...
By Jayne Flores
Aug 3, 2019

Daniel Immerwahr: Redrawing the US map
Teaching American history in venues as varied as the University of California-Berkeley and San Quentin Prison, now Northwestern...
By Bruce Lloyd
Jul 7, 2019

The monthly visit
Kudos to Sanford Technology Group, to the National Association of Women in Construction, the American Association of University Women,...
By Jayne Flores
Jun 6, 2019

75 years of strength
The late Regina Manibusan Reyes told of being raped when she was six months pregnant after she had snuck back down from her in-laws’...
By Jayne Flores
May 7, 2019

What constitutes a legitimate news source?
Last month, Freedom of Information Day came and went relatively quietly once again on March 16. It was chosen so because it is the...
By Jayne Flores
Apr 8, 2019

Take pride in our island – use less plastic
Blown out zoris. Plastic motor oil bottles. Plastic drinking bottles of every shape and size. A five-gallon plastic bucket partially...
By Jayne Flores
Feb 7, 2019

The way you dress
When my youngest daughter was 11 years old, she was a huge Hannah Montana fan. Hannah Montana, in case you don’t know, was the Disney TV...
By Jayne Flores
Jan 6, 2019

What we learned from Guam’s 2018 election
Now that the dust has settled from Guam’s 2018 election, three things stand to the fore. First: Guam voters don’t do deals. Politicians...
By Jayne Flores
Dec 6, 2018

$4 for a soda? Give me a break!
With the holidays just around the corner, and all the revelry that will ensue, I’ve been meaning to discuss something with island...
By Jayne Flores
Nov 3, 2018

A woman must control her own body, period
Here we go again. Flashback to 1990, when Guam was first thrust into the national spotlight over the issue of abortion. The late Senator...
By Jayne Flores
Aug 5, 2018

Standing up to the bully-in-chief
When I was in the fifth grade at a Catholic grade school in Illinois, we had a classmate whose parents were fairly recent immigrants from...
By Jayne Flores
Jul 13, 2018
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