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The sunny side of life

Yes&Know By Aline Yamashita

Someone said, “Aline, you don’t like to criticize others in your writing.” I thought about that. There were a couple of times when anger pushed through but, yes, for the most part, my writing, hopefully, lifts through positivity.

There are many writers who get into the face of others.  There are several who do a great job at dissecting critical issues. From time to time, threads of history come from my fingers. But spotting happiness is my groove. And I thank Mar-Vic for allowing me to share my brain waves.


Perhaps 15 years ago or so, I was at Denny’s. Talking shop with a colleague. Walking past to a nearby booth was editor Mar-Vic. She was joining some friends. She smiled at them, twirled and spouted joy. Everyone smiled and embraced the vibe. When she spotted me, she was unnecessarily embarrassed. I told her not to be – just happy to see happiness in action.

That type of memory spurs me. The last several years have been hard for many reasons, at many levels. So, I depend on my memory bank to keep me going.

And I learn from others. Every morning at mass, there is a woman who dresses nicely. Pretty and perky. For the last couple of years, I have worn the same blue denim dress to mass, to the hospital and back home for its convenience and comfort. This past week, as it was mom’s first death anniversary, I decided it was time to be pretty and perky.

Lord knows I have enough clothes. They seemed to have all turned vintage. I chuckle. But they fit. My latest health challenge had me dropping the chubs. And I must’ve been really chubby because some do not recognize me.

Putting on pretty clothes lifts the spirit. I also decided it was time to revert to short hair. A reboot of sorts. My steps are lighter.

I look for connectors. Like “Daydream” by Diana Mendoza. Her writing connects. You learn as she shares her stories. Her joy in life is contagious. Her latest column transported me to a nice time in Munich. I can sense the sunsets and enjoy the camaraderie. Thank you, Diana.

Have you seen the drone show by Sky Elements on America’s Got Talent? Gosh, I’ve watched it over and over. Dedicated to Briley Rose, an infant who ascended above, the show has a parent playing with a child who then turns into a rose. Then, butterflies. The message of hope and comfort is inspiring. Played on Sept. 11, many connected as the nation remembers in silence the horror of that day in 2001 when terrorists hijacked planes and killed 2,977 people in Pennsylvania, New York and Washington, DC.  Today, people continue to suffer from the ailments resulting from helping that day. The drone show is a winner and helps us reflect, remember, and be grateful.

Have you noticed the flurry of business signs that have gone up? I’m guessing they came from Mawar recovery funding to help businesses recoup. The signs are bold, clean, welcoming, & signal businesses are in business.  Very cool!

I nodded at Mar-Vic’s latest editorial, “Selective Elective Amnesia.” Very well said. In 1986, when the U.S. Congress put the government in charge of our public education rather than the governor, it did not remove the governor from government. When SORT – School Opening Response Team – was activated and all agencies were boots on the ground on our campuses, most schools, as of this writing have passed safety and health inspection. Collaborative leadership is always a winner and frankly, a no-brainer. It was excellent that Vice Speaker Tina Muna Barnes reached out to the the Joint Region Marianas. The Adopt a School, Sister School program is a winner.

Mom’s first anniversary mass was beautiful. Pa’le Ron connects really well with the people as he transcends the teachings of God.  The music was perfect as Vince played piano and Ms. Richards was lead singer. “Hail Mary,” “Let There Be Peace,” “What a Wonderful World” were sung by all. We ended with “Joy to The World” as a special tribute from Eric to his grandma.

Indeed, what a wonderful world it is. Love and laughter!

Aline Yamashita is a mom, a teacher and former senator. She served

in the 31st and 32nd Guam Legislatures. Send feedback to 

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