U.S. Naval Hospital (USNH) Guam has received additional Covid-19 vaccines, and is holding its vaccination clinic at the Top O' the Mar located on Nimitz Hill in Asan for designated DoD beneficiaries and personnel in phases 1A through 1C. Phases 1A through 1C include beneficiaries 65 years and older, beneficiaries 18-64 years old at an increased risk of severe illness as defined by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, and individuals who have been designated by their command as front line workers. "We encourage all eligible beneficiaries and personnel to take advantage of the vaccination clinic as this strengthens DoD's ability to protect our people, maintain readiness, and support the national Covid-19 response," said Commander Joint Region Marianas Rear Adm. John Menoni.
"This is a community-wide effort, and we are all in this together working hard to meet the intent of Operation Liberate Guam 2021, which is to achieve 80 percent immunity by Liberation Day," Menoni added. Beneficiaries and personnel in the phases 1A through 1C are asked to visit the following link to make an appointment: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c4fabac2ba7fbc25-65andolder If these phases do not apply to you at this time, you are asked to remain patient as shipments continue to arrive and more vaccines can be administered. Joint Region Marianas and USNH Guam expect to receive additional shipments in the coming weeks to administer to other eligible DoD-affiliated individuals.
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