Sen. Frank Blas Jr. and Sen James C. Moylan have introduced a bill seeking to simplify the business filing process and operations on Guam and minimize government interference.
Bill 64-36, titled Bureaucratic Simplicity Act of 2021, would require government agencies to review business laws and regulations within their jurisdiction which are deemed as cost-prohibitive, ineffective, outdated, redundant, or simply enhance barriers to entry, and to provide recommendations to the Guam legislature to amend or remove the unnecessary bureaucratic red tape.
"The goal of the legislation is to make it easier for people to get the government services they need and to reduce the regulatory burden on job creators to encourage investment, boost Guam's competitiveness, and get more Guamanians back to work," Blas said. "The pandemic has forced many to make things work, we must now look at how we can encourage small macro start-ups and outside investors to come open up shop on Guam."
The bill is proposing to "repeal the occupational or business regulation or modify the occupational or business regulation."
The bill states that "the right of individuals to own a business or pursue a chosen profession, free from arbitrary or excessive government interference, is a fundamental civil right" and that "the burden of excessive regulation is borne most heavily by individuals outside the economic mainstream, for whom opportunities for economic advancement are curtailed."