By Pacific Island Times News Staff
Saipan-- Effective today, domestic travelers inbound via air or sea are no longer required to fill out the health declaration form, the Office of the CNMI Governor announced today.
The CNMI government updated the entry protocols as the commonwealth's Covid-19 risk level has improved.
According to the new U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention metric, the CNMI is currently in community level low.
Public health officials noted that approximately 60 percent of the fully vaccinated citizens have received their booster shots, and the CNMI's Covid-19 cases have been declining.

Under the revised travel policy, all international travelers are required to fill out the health declaration form due to outbound testing requirements at least 72 hours prior to arrival at www.staysafecnmi.com.
All travelers are required to continue wearing well-fitted masks upon arrival, if they must be around others, and if they develop symptoms, they should get tested at least five days after arrival.
All travelers wishing to avail of 5th-day testing must register at https://covidtesting.chcc.health.
All travelers and residents are reminded to live Covid-19 safe: follow the 3 W’s (wear your mask, wash your hands, and watch your distance); avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces; cover coughs and sneezes; clean and disinfect high touch surfaces daily; be alert for symptoms daily; and get tested for COVID-19.
To date, cases are continuously detected via community-based testing, CHCC testing, as well as at-home testing. As of April 4, a total of 11,158 cases of Covid-19 cases have been reported in the CNMI, with 1 in 5 CNMI citizens estimated to have contracted the disease.
Recommendations for individual persons and households during Covid-19 community level low:
Wear a mask based on your personal preference, informed by your personal level of risk
If you are immunocompromised or have a high risk for severe disease
Have a plan for rapid testing, if needed (e.g., having home tests or access to testing)
Talk to your healthcare provider about whether you are a candidate for treatments like oral antivirals, pre-exposure prophylaxis and monoclonal antibodies
Stay up to date with Covid-19 vaccines and boosters
Maintain improved ventilation throughout indoor spaces whenever possible
Follow CDC recommendations for isolation and quarantine, including getting tested if you are exposed to Covid-19 or have symptoms of Covid-19.
Public health officials also announced a second Covid-19 vaccine booster shot will be offered to individuals aged 50 years and older and certain immunocompromised individuals starting next week.
Eligible individuals who received a Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson/Janssen COVID19 vaccine may receive a second booster shot at least four months after completing their first booster.
The second booster shot must be an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna). Individuals considered moderate to severe immunocompromised (weakened immune system) include people on chemotherapy or people who have had a solid organ transplant.
The list presented does not include all possible conditions that put a person at higher risk of severe illness from Covid-19. Individuals who have questions about booster doses should talk to their health care provider about their medical condition and whether getting a booster shot is appropriate for them.
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