Task Force Engineer Airmen from the Guam National Guard's 254th RED HORSE Squadron set up a Covid -19 testing and evaluation tent at the Guam Regional Medical City in Dededo on Oct. 8. The tent will serve as a temporary structure for GRMC to test and evaluate suspected COVID-19 positive patients. Photo courtesy of GUNG
The Joint Information Center was notified that Guam’s 58th Covid-19-related fatality occurred at the Guam Regional Medical City (GRMC) at approximately 2:38 a.m.
The patient was a 41-year-old male with underlying health conditions that were compounded by Covid-19. He was admitted to GRMC on October 8 and tested positive upon admission.
“This pandemic has upended our lives and has caused too much grief for too many families in our community. Jeff, Lt. Governor Josh, and I express our heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathies to those he cherished,” said Governor Lou Leon Guerrero. “Our resolve is continuously tested by this virus. We must remain vigilant if we are to win this fight against Covid-19. Simple actions like washing your hands, wearing your mask, and social distancing can keep all of us safe.”
To date, there have been a total of 2,934 officially reported cases of Covid-19 with 58 deaths, 810 cases in active isolation and 2,067 not in active isolation. Of those cases, 2,655 are classified as civilians and 279 are military service members.
Of the 66 new cases reported today, 24 were identified through contact tracing. Six cases reported recent travel from the United States and were identified in quarantine.
As of Oct. 8, there have been 58 Covid-19-related fatalities.
On Wednesday, the Guam Memorial Hospital received a donation of surplus personal protective equipment (PPE) from the CNMI Office of the Governor. Inventory included 1,000 surgical masks, over 14,000 face masks, and 9,000 isolation gowns to be used by frontliners at GMH, Guam’s COVID-designated hospital. The PPEs are valued at over $154,000.
Dr. Joleen Aguon, GMH medical director and Guam’s Covid-19 medical director, earlier took a trip to Saipan, upon request from CNMI Gov. Ralph Torres in June, to visit their newly constructed alternate care site . She is one of the few pulmonologists and intensivists in the region.
“We thank CNMI Governor Torres and the NMI for this generous donation of PPEs. Our islands face similar challenges in the ongoing pandemic, including the tyranny of distance and limited resources, most especially human resources,” Leon Guerrero. “Dr. Aguon has been at the forefront of our island’s response, and she is one of many COVID heroes to be celebrated.”
“This exchange is a true reflection of our cultural values—that what we have, we have to share,” said Lieutenant Governor Joshua Tenorio. “Our administration will continue to coordinate with Governor Torres, as well as Speaker Tina Muña Barnes who helped initiate this donation. We all have the same mission—to keep our people healthy and safe from this deadly virus.”
“There are not enough words to express my gratitude to CNMI Governor Torres and the NMI for this donation of PPE. This is our armor in the fight against this invisible enemy, and the protection we need to not only do our best work to save lives, but also to keep the families we come home to safe,”Aguon said.