A total of 65 new cases Covid-19 cases were identified through contact tracing, the Joint Information Center reported Tuesday.
To date, there have been a total of 2,818 officially reported cases of Covid-19 with 55 deaths, 841 cases in active isolation and 1,922 not in active isolation. Of those cases, 2,543 are classified as civilians and 275 are military service members.
The following breakdown provides cumulative Covid-19 test results reported to the Joint Information Center on Tuesday, October 6 and reflects results from Monday, Oct. 5:
On Tuesday, the Guam Department of Education (GDOE) confirmed that one additional GDOE employee tested positive for COVID-19. The confirmed case was identified at John F. Kennedy High School and was identified through contact tracing efforts. The GDOE is working closely with DPHSS to conduct contact tracing and any close contacts of the confirmed case will be contacted directly by DPHSS.
Areas of the campus will be identified for cleaning and disinfecting as needed. Employees will not have access to these areas until cleaning has been completed. Hard copy packet and food distribution will continue uninterrupted.