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35th Guam legislature announces leadership positions

Pacific Island Times Staff

Majority Democrats and Guam Democratic Party pick veteran legislator Tina Muna Barnes as Speaker

Speaker Tina Rose Muna Barnes; Sen.-elect Amanda Shelton, legislative secretary; Sen. Telena Nelson, Vice Speaker

Veteran lawmaker and newly re-elected Sen. Tina Rose Muna Barnes secured the Democratic Caucus’s nomination as Speaker, while incumbent Sen. Telena C. Nelson and incoming Sen.-elect Amanda L. Shelton are slated to serve as Vice Speaker and Legislative Secretary, respectively, according to a press release from the party.

“No one becomes Speaker without the trust of their colleagues. For that trust I am truly honored and humbled, said Sen.-elect Muna Barnes. “I've never pretended to have all the answers but I can bring together the people who do. This body is about 'we' not 'me."

“Each of us are profoundly committed to improving the lives of everyday people. That will require courage, cooperation, and the belief that a small group of dedicated people can make a difference. I’m truly humbled to be Vice Speaker of the 35th Guam Legislature and I will work to always be worthy of the People we serve,” said Sen. Telena Cruz Nelson.

The Democratic Supermajority also chose to reunite the Committee on Rules—which had been reorganized into two separate committees last term—designating Sen. Régine Biscoe Lee as its chair. The Committee on Appropriations and the Office of Finance and Budget has been assigned to Sen. Joe S. San Agustin.

“Guam gave the Democratic Party a resounding victory in 2018. Now, the work we do must win for the People of Guam in 2019 and beyond," said Democratic Party Chair Sen. Biscoe Lee.

Sen.-elect Muna Barnes will be joined by four Democratic incumbents and a freshman class of five Senators.

“The incoming 35th Guam Legislature encompasses its most diverse body with experience in both public service and advocacy,” said Sen.-elect Amanda Shelton. “We each understand the special trust and privilege given to us by the People of Guam, and I know that together we have the tools to deliver change for our island.”

Rules Committee Chair Regine Biscoe Lee

The 35th Guam legislators will take their oath of office and vote on the nominations at the body’s first session on Mon., Jan. 7, 2019. All leadership positions as well as the composition of legislative committees are listed below.

Speaker: Senator Tina Muña Barnes

Vice Speaker: Senator Telena Cruz Nelson

Legislative Secretary: Senator-Elect Amanda Shelton

Majority Leader: Senator Telena Cruz Nelson

Assistant Majority Leader: Senator-Elect Dr. Kelly Marsh Taitano

Majority Whip: Senator-Elect Amanda Shelton

Assistant Majority Whip: Senator Régine Biscoe Lee

Committee on Rules: Senator Régine Biscoe Lee

Office of Finance and Budget: Senator Joe S. San Agustin

Committee on Health, Tourism, Historic Preservation, Land and Justice: Senator Therese M. Terlaje

Committee on Economic Development, Agriculture, Maritime Transportation, Power and Energy Utilities, and Emergency Response: Senator-Elect Clynt Ridgell

Committee on Public Safety, Border Safety, Military and Veteran Affairs, Mayors Council, Infrastructure and Public Transit: Senator-Elect Jose Terlaje

Committee on Environment, Revenue and Taxation, and Procurement: Senator-Elect Sabina E. Perez

Committee on Heritage and the Arts, Parks, Guam Products, Hagatna Revitalization, Self-Determination, and Regional Affairs: Senator-Elect Dr. Kelly Marsh Taitano

Committee on Federal and Foreign Affairs, Telecommunications, Technology, and Labor: Senator Régine Biscoe Lee

Committee on General Government Operations, Appropriations, and Housing: Senator Joe S. San Agustin

Committee on Higher Education and the Advancement of Women, Youth, and Senior Citizens: Senator-Elect Amanda L. Shelton

Committee on Education, Air Transportation, and Statistics, Research, and Planning: Senator Telena Cruz Nelson

Committee on Public Accountability, Human Resources, and the Guam Buildup: Senator Tina Muña Barnes


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