Guam Delegate to the U.S. Congress Madeleine Bordallo again chose her birthday to file for re-election the Guam Election Commission. It was her 85th birthday and she's seeking her 9th consecutive term.
Bordallo, a former Guam Lt. Governor and the widow of former Governor Ricky Bordallo was first elected in November 2002. She chose to file on her birthday, May 31. Her followers sang the Birthday Song in the GEC office as she signed the final paperwork required to make the run.
In the 15-plus years she has served in Congress, Bordallo has beaten back a long list of prominent Republican and Democratic challengers. Announced to date are Democrat Guam Senator Michael San Nicolas and Republican, soon to resign Public Auditor Doris Flores-Brooks, among others.
"I have a strong record in Congress," Bordallo said. "I’ve been there for 16 years, and I want to continue to work for the people of Guam. There is still unfinished business that I want to take care of."